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Harbinger is a Free Multiplayer Online Space Strategy Game.
After the registration you start at the edge of the galaxy. Now you can build up, colonize and take over planets in competition with other players from all over the world! Harbinger runs in Real-Time and is Browser-based so you can play it from all over the world, where you have internet connections without an additional installation except a web-browser. Because it is text-based, it can also be played by using a good smartphone. A special (reduced) interface for cell-phones is in developement.
As player you take over the leadership of one planet (at the beginning) and build up an economic and military infrastructure to conquer more planets. By performing research you receive access to better technologies and weapon systems.
Harbinger runs round-the-clock on a real-time basis, therefore your empire is 'unprotected' during your absence. But there is the possibility to go into a Vacation Mode, in this mode you cannot be attacked by other players. One round lasts at the moment approx. 3 months. Ending criterion is at the moment an (from the community) agreed date. Later it should become dependent on the points gathered.
Because in Harbinger the priority is laid on strategy and warfare, the complexity of the game was held deep intentionally. Although it is rather easy to understand, different offers of help are available, e.g. a Forum, a Wiki, and a Quick-Help.
- This Game is Free!
- There are no ads!
- No premiums or other purchasable advantages!
- Alliance Support
- Diplomatic Ships
- Vacation Mode
- Newcomer Protection
- Bonus for late-starters
- ... and an active Admin! ;-)