33 results for A in database

  • League of Legends

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of ...

  • Lost Saga

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    Lost Saga is an action-packed online fighting game that brings heroes from fantasy, science-fiction and history to life in an all-out-brawl for the ages. ...

  • Ironfell

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    An Indie MMORTS with an unfair approach to balance Ironfell is a time travel themed massive multi-player online real time strategy (MMORTS) game. You ...

  • Warhammer Online: Wrath ...

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

  • Tales of Tamar

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    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    Welcome to Tales of Tamar, the turn based fantasy-internet-strategy-game with online chatroom. "In Tales of Tamar you are in a world far away from ...

  • Dogs of War ...

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

  • Aarklash - Legacy

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    In Aarklash : Legacy take the commands of a mercenary squad in search of thruth and guide them through numerous battles. Welcome to Aarklash, ...

  • Prime World

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

  • Dreamlords

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

  • Collect & Kill

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    Collect & Kill is a new MMORPG text based game. You need to collect resources from researching specific abilities, and use the resources to ...

  • Dragonlords Fantasy Wargame

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    To those claiming to be skilled in the crafts of war and art of conquest, harken and behold! Awaiting thee is the rulership of ...

  • Napoleonic Empires

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    Greetings!Napoleon, recently rising to the throne of Revolutionary France, has unleashed a new era in Europe. All empires on the continent now arm for ...

  • DotA 2 - ...

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

  • DBA Online

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    DBA Online is a historical tactical and strategic game, which is built to be played via the Internet -- downloadit for FREE now. Take ...

  • Efreal

    • Tags Medieval & Fantasy, Strategy, ...

    The world of Efreal has become a battlefield stained with the blood of both the innocent and the corrupt. None have escaped the swords ...