Times Of Conquest

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Times Of Conquest is set in the not to distant future, when the prophicized end of the world will be upon us. But no one religion had it quite right: It is not the coming of a messiah that brought the end --it was the intrusion of other dimensions, until then curled up within our own, that allowed heaven, hell, and purgatory to become known and visable to the human race. Having seen the reality of the multiverse, it was soon learned that God is not all-powerful. Satan is strong, but not a ruler of mankind (unless they so chose). The beings that were neither good nor bad, found their way to purgatory where dispair bred strength. And mankind has grown stronger than god or demon could ever have dreamt --science and technology, with an undercurrent of mysticism which is but the combining of the two, has put man on level with god and devil alike. When the end comes, it will not be a slaughter, but a battle between forces that the multiverse has never before seen.

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