Conquer Club
1 check-ins
- 26K active players
1 ratings
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Conquer Club is online multiplayer variation of the popular tabletop boardgame RISK that caters to both the casual RISK gamer and the hardcore.
Conquer Club offers unique game settings like Assassin, Terminator, 1 on 1, while also offering more familiar settings like Team Games and Every Man For Himself.
With Hundreds of maps available to play on, with more being added constantly, in addition to game customizations like multiple card/spoil, reinforcement, and initial troop options, you can always choose the game you want to play.
With an active gameplaying, Tournament, Clan, and Forum communities, you can always find your niche and an active game. Medals and Achievements give you something to shoot for, as does Conquer Club's competitive Score Ranking system.
New features are added regularly, and website updates are frequent as well.
Premium Membership at a low once-a-year price is also available which gives you access to greater and exclusive features.