Found:Desert Island
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FOUND is rated for mature gamers only, it may contain violence, partial nudity and sexual themes. Game experience may change during heated online play.
Some implications and references in the game, such as murder, abortion, cannibalism etc may upset some people. Geeks and nerds may also be disturbed or intimidated by the inclusion of sexual activities.
As a castaway on a desert island, you must learn how to deal with other survivors and live off limited resources (food, water and whatnots) on the island, while surviving attacks from wild animals and natural disasters.
Each castaway's action will affect others greatly, therefore alliance and agreement of some sort is almost an inevitable way to ensure your survival.
Castaways will be found and rescued on a regularly basis, it could be one month, or one year, you'll never know.
Once rescued, these castaways will be stranded again onto another desert island.
The gameplay in FOUND is pretty relaxed, castaways' activities are determined by their health level (max 100%), and it's completely open-ended how castaways replenish their health to remain active in the daily surviving activities. The objective is to survive, so sometimes less is more.
You will also find a few unique features in FOUND, such as the ability to reproduce offsprings to inherit your possessions and genes. Castaways also have the opportunity to seed plants and release animals for reproduction purposes.